Security And Opportunity for all Hardworking Families:

  • Raising the minimum wage.
  • Fighting for equal pay for equal work
  • Expanding job training initiatives to assure that all those wanting to work can find jobs in Ohio’s rapidly changing economy.
  • Developing comprehensive programs that promote minority and immigrant small business initiatives.

Invest in Creating Education Options Across the Lifespan:

  • Strengthening and expanding early childhood education opportunities.
  • Fostering strong literacy initiatives focused on the mastery of reading at a young age.
  • Expanding access to funding that supports STEM (Science, Technology, Engineer, and Mathematics) programs and activities.
  • Encouraging educational institutions to create, expand, and sustain opportunities for youth in the skilled trades.

Promote Fair Treatment of All Ohioans:

  • Promoting proven community policing initiatives.
  • Advocating for nondiscrimination protections for members of the LGBTQIA community in employment, housing, and public accommodations.
  • Providing timely, high quality, integrated, and person-directed services and supports for individuals with a mental illness and/or addiction to help lead them on a path to recovery.
  • Pushing for the “housing first” approach to homelessness, which involves moving long-term homeless individuals into supportive housing.